Fitx And The Stories I have Heard – Credible or just Incredible?!?…

Some of the stories out there and the misinformation is incredible.  A lot of this information stirs up volatility necessary for people to both make money and lose money.  Let me throw some out there and you let me know what you have heard and what you make of it.

For Sale! – One post I saw on a message board was basically some random person saying they saw a for sale sign up at the grow site and that zoning issues had caused them to lose the ability to grow anything on that site so they were moving.

-I have no proof of this but I for one think this is BS and an obvious push for volatility.  This obviously came out when the share price was already falling in order to scare some people into selling.  This is my opinion anyway.

Insiders Dumping Shares! – There are TONS of people from instabloggers, message boarders and others claiming that Bill and other BOD members are dumping their shares as soon as any news hits.  So for those of you who watch the level 2/depth market analysis you will see millions of shares selling at certain points throughout any given day and they sell for market or below.  As soon as something like this happens people on these boards start throwing out this information.  Claiming something along these lines, “There we go again, Billy is shedding some more shares and loading up on some cash.  2 Million shares just dumped again…”

-I don’t even know where to find this type of information in order to verify that it is true or false.  I’d imagine that some insider shares have been sold in the past couple of months but is there somewhere legitimate that can verify these numbers?  Do they even have to report the selling of their shares to the SEC or make any sort of filing if they are not a fully reporting entity?  It would be awesome if anyone that knows would share that information with me because I have been trying to find it.  I know that in their financial reports they state current share ownership and the last I saw I believe Bill had 180,000,000 shares.

A Friend Of A Friend! – So on the same boards, which I shouldn’t even be reading, individuals tout the following sort of information.  “So, my friend actually knows the guy who invested 20 million dollars with FITX.  He says that the guy told him that FITX already has the license and has begun growing…”

-I don’t know what to believe.  For the part of me that is LONG FITX, I want this to be true whole heartedly but then again this person is most likely just talking nonsense to get the share price to fluctuate.

So, what other ones have you guys heard?  I bet they get wilder and wilder in days to come whether the price skyrockets, plummets or stays the same.

Everything stated here has been my opinion, do your own research and make your own decisions regarding whether or not to trade in FITX.

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