Lakeshore November 4, 2014 Town Council Archives – Non-Official Transcript By GrovesMan

Lakeshore November 4, 2014 Town Council Archives – Transcription GrovesMan

I am not an official transcriber so some of the wording may be slightly different and the correct way to punctuate pauses or additional words may not be perfect.  However, the main points are the same and I did not add any author’s fluff to this.  As always, I am long FITX, so you know my stance.  Here I am giving my interpretation of what they said in an unbiased way to the best of my ability.

Beginning Of Transcription Of Opening Statement:

Mayor – “I think I am going to call our meeting to order for Nov. 4th, this is a special meeting of the council..ah..we will be dealing with the medical marijuana regulations and industrial hemp regulations.  I just want to point out that this is not dealing with any one site but what we are looking at are the regulations that will be set out.  Sites such as cen biotech and there is another request I believe for the north and to the west, we will deal with those on an individual basis and there will be separate meetings for those.  Tonight’s is ah dealing with the official plan and zoning bylaw amendments only.  Those are the regulations in general in how we will deal with these individual…(couldn’t hear-think companies) as they come forward to council.”

“What I will do at this point then is turn it over to Steve Sammons for some introductory remarks and then we will move to our planner to take us through the initial zoning bylaws and go from there.”

End Of Transcription Of Opening Statement:

This is what I could transcribe from listening to the meeting minutes first post (all I have time for).  This is not an official transcript made by the council or any attendees.  Listen for yourself.

What I take from this opening statement is that the meeting was about general bylaws for all medicinal Marijuana companies and Industrial Hemp companies that wish to set up shop in Lakeshore for the future.  So my interpretation of this is as follows including quotations.

Sentence 1:

“I think I am going to call our meeting to order for Nov. 4th, this is a special meeting of the council…ah…we will be dealing with the medical marijuana regulations and industrial hemp regulations.”

My Interpretation: The meeting is about discussing and deciding upon medical marijuana regulations and hemp regulations.

Sentence 2:

“I just want to point out that this is not dealing with any one site but what we are looking at are the regulations that will be set out.”

My Interpretation: The basis of this meeting was not to discuss any one company in particular.

Sentence 3:

“Sites such as cen biotech and there is another request I believe for the north and to the west, we will deal with those on an individual basis and there will be separate meetings for those.”

My Interpretation: He seconds the point that what they were discussing was not pertaining to Cen Biotech nor another company that may have already have set up shop in Lakeshore to do the same.  I don’t know anything about this company, where it is located and what it does or what stage of development it is.  Nothing here was stated about that company.  It is stated that there will be other meetings to discuss Cen Biotech and the other company.

Sentence 4:

“Tonight’s is ah dealing with the official plan and zoning bylaw amendments only.”

My Interpretation: This meeting is primarily discussing zoning bylaw amendments in relation to the regulation of companies that are involved with medicinal Marijuana and/or industrial hemp.

Sentence 5:

“Those are the regulations in general in how we will deal with these individual…(couldn’t hear-think companies) as they come forward to council.”

My Interpretation: Here he clarifies again that this meeting is to discuss the setup of general regulations on how to deal with the companies that want to set up shop in Lakeshore and are involved with medicinal Marijuana and/or industrial hemp.  The key statement here that there is a lot of miss-information about is “…as they come forward to council.” There has been a lot of confusion as to whether or not their meeting directly affects Cen Biotech but this statement clarifies this point.  What “…as they come forward to council.” Means is that any future (as they come forward) companies that seek permits from the council.

Ending Statement From Me:  It is clear that the opening statement from the Mayor was an attempt by him to confine the discussion during this meeting simply to how they wish to regulate companies in the future that try to apply for a permit to build and operate in Lakeshore.  Most likely, due to the concerns of some residents and statements brought forth by someone in the previous meeting, they wish to set up stricter guidelines and zoning bylaws for companies in the future.  In essence, because they didn’t have these guidelines in the beginning and Cen Biotech and (possibly) this other company squeezed through the approval process without the town council really considering the impact this would have on residents, they need to set up these guidelines now for future companies.  Although I have not yet had a chance to listen to the rest of the meeting, this first statement means that anything decided during that meeting would not have an effect on companies already approved.

Now the future meetings that pertain to Cen Biotech will be the forum for discussion.  Most likely this meeting will clarify for the residents what exactly Cen Biotech is able to do that differs from the new regulations so that residents will be informed.  It could also possibly be a meeting that invites Cen Biotech to discuss concerns with residents in an effort to ease ill will.  They may request that Cen Biotech do certain things but as to whether or not they are legally FORCED to do these things is another issue.  There could also be different regulation amendments that do not have to do with zoning that may or may not be put into place.  So maybe they can’t force Cen Biotech to change their existing structure but maybe they can create new city ordinances relating to noise, traffic, sidewalks, pedestrian traffic, curfew, weight limits for streets, speed limits, parking, etc.  How Cen Biotech, and neighbors byproxy, have to interact with city property.  Now I am not a lawyer so I don’t know what exactly is within the cities power that would not interfere with Canada’s federal law but I believe that some of these kinds of things are a definite possibility.

Again, I am long FITX so do your own research and make your own decisions regarding whether you decide to buy, sell, hold or not buy FITX stock.

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